Dr. Hammond’s Blue Jay Lineup for Week of 1/12/15

We had a great first week back at West, and we have many things to bring to your attention this week.
Please nominate a MNPS Blue Ribbon Teacher from West! Winners will receive $1k, and it is a great credential for teachers to earn professionally. Here is the link for more information: http://www.mnps.org/pages/mnps/Teacher_Leadership_Institute/Blue_Ribbon_Teachers.
Have you moved or changed phone numbers? The start of a new semester is a great time to update your contact information. Call us at 615-298-8425 or email us your new information.
8th grade tux and drape photos are this Thursday. Girls, make sure you have a camisole or tanktop this Thursday for your formal photo.
Inquirer Time begins Monday! Students registered this past week for new in-school clubs that will meet once per week on Monday afternoon. Our goal is for Inquirer Time to be a time of inquiry and exploration into extra-curricular fields of great interest to kids. It’s also a great time to build relationships with one another. It’s right in line with our new vision to build a community that loves school and has a passion for learning. Ask your student where they go for Inquirer Time to see what they’re learning. We have everything from jiu jitsu to LEGO engineering.
Students can now earn privileges and make purchases using Birdie Bills, our new school-wide positive behavior support system. When students perform at our expectations, they are awarded Birdie Bills. Here is the menu of awards students may select; additional awards will be announced throughout the semester. Ask your student how many Birdie Bills they were awarded last week, and encourage them to earn more this week.
New after-school club opportunity: RockSTAR. We are excited to offer a continuation of this club from Eakin and Sylvan Park, and we hope to gain a pep rock band to have at athletic and other events. More information can be found on the PTSO website or in the main office.
Benchmark assessments in English and Math will occur again this week. Please encourage your students to do their best.
Have a great week, and Go Blue Jays!


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