Eighth Graders: Application Information for Advanced Science Programs ISR & SSMV

The SSMV (the School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt) is now recruiting for next year. SSMV, a joint venture between Vanderbilt University and MNPS, offers high school students a four-year, interdisciplinary, research-centered learning experience. They are seeking strong, motivated, diverse students who are excited about science, technology, engineering, and math. The application is now available and will be due on February 15. Parents, students, and teachers can learn more about the SSMV program through their website and social media pages.

ISR (Interdisciplinary Science and Research) is a related Vanderbilt program offered at Hillsboro High School. The main difference between the two programs is that SSMV students spend one day each week on the Vanderbilt campus, while ISR is a regular class at Hillsboro. Click here to learn more about ISR or download an application. The application deadline for ISR is January 11. Hillsboro-bound students who are not accepted into SSMV (there are only 26 spots for all of MNPS) are automatically considered for ISR (no separate application required).


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