School Starts Tomorrow!

Ready or not, the 2019-20 school year starts tomorrow, Monday, August 5. It will be a full day, with special grade-level gatherings beginning at the regular start time of 8:55 and dismissal at 3:55.
Here’s where students should report in the morning (note: not their first-period class!):

  • 5th grade: Auditorium
  • 6th grade: Cafeteria
  • 7th grade: New gym
  • 8th grade: Old gym

Doors open at 8:40, and parents are welcome to hang around until 8:55. The PTSO will have a selfie booth for students and coffee for parents in the lobby, and West Wear will be for sale. If you’re on social media, please tag us @WestEndPTSO and use the hashtag #MNPSday1.
Reminder: DO NOT drop students off in the Bowling loop. If dropping off, use the Elmington loop. Do not park on Bowling Avenue! Parking is available in Elmington Park and along Elmington Avenue and side streets.
Also: Students should not bring in all their school supplies on the first day. Have them bring in a few items each day over the first week.


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