Book Club & Beanstack Reading Challenge

Book Club is back–virtually, of course. The first meeting will be Thursday, September 17, at 8 AM; visit the library website for more information. Note that Ms. Dixon has set up a group in Schoology to make it easier for members to connect and get updates. Here’s how to join:

  1. Go to the Groups Dashboard in Schoology.
  2. Click on the “My Groups” link at the top of the page.
  3. Chen click the “Join Group” button and enter the following access code: KQBD-M6B3-FSHFZ.

Also, all students are encouraged to participate in the “I Believe in Nashville” reading challenge by reading independently for 20 minutes a day and logging their reading on Beanstack. Click here to learn more. Mr. Stephens has promised to do “silly things” if we meet our school-wide goal!


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