Some Reminders

Book Fair Starts Tomorrow

Book Fair will be online this year. Shop the sale between November 16 and November 29 to support our school library and help your child discover new books, favorite characters, complete series, and more! You’ll love the fun new option to shop for Book Fair exclusives directly from the interactive booklist and enjoy free shipping on book-only purchases over $25.

INVEST in Your Child

We need YOUR help to make the year’s biggest and most important fundraiser a success! Instructional materials, technology, band, scholarships, teacher appreciation–your INVEST donation funds all of these things–and more–this academic year. Every student in every grade benefits, whether in person or virtual.

Donating is easy:

1. Click here to make a one-time or monthly donation online.

2. Venmo us at @WestEndBlueJays.

3. Mail a check to the main office: West End Middle School, Attention PTSO Invest Chair, 3529 West End Ave, Nashville, TN 37205.

Tremont Interest Survey

For years, one of the highlights of 5th and 6th grade for many Blue Jays has been an overnight outdoor learning trip–without parents–to the Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont in Townsend, Tennessee. (You can learn more about Tremont’s school programs here.)

Deposits/reservations are not currently being accepted (the cost is approximately $300), but the school would like to get an idea of how many 5th and 6th graders might be interested in going to Tremont in the spring (May 2-5, 2021). Click here to fill out the survey.


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