Time Running Out for PTSO Board Nominations

Our entire school community benefits from having an established and effective school support organization. Parents, we need your help to continue the PTSO’s important work next school year–and beyond. Volunteer or nominate someone for one of these positions on next year’s executive board:

President–main contact for PTSO, leads meetings, ensures compliance with organizational requirements (MNPS, state, IRS, etc.)

Vice President–assists president and performs duties of president in their absence

Vice President of Communications–ensures school community is kept informed through regularly updated website, weekly newsletter/listserv, and social media

Vice President of Fundraising–oversees planning, promotion, and execution of fundraising campaigns (INVEST), events (trivia night/auction), and activities (Amazon Smile, grocery store rewards programs, etc.)

Vice President of Internal Affairs–serves as primary contact for hospitality, community building, and teacher appreciation efforts

Treasurer–keeps an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, provides financial updates throughout the year, assists president with creation of budget, and prepares year-end report for MNPS

Assistant Treasurer–assists the treasurer with payments and deposits, financial reports, and budget; often moves up to treasurer

Secretary–primarily responsible for taking notes during meetings and making meeting minutes available to the board and PTSO membership

Nominations may be submitted using this form or by emailing westendptso@gmail.com.

There’s also a need for committee chairs and members–everything from West Wear/school store to INVEST/fundraising to tours to Unicycle. You can get more information about serving on a committee by emailing westendptso@gmail.com


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