Outdoor Shade Structure: Your Vote Needed!

Parents, the PTSO has secured a bid from an MNPS-approved vendor to purchase and install two 16-foot-square shade structures on the concrete plaza above the football field. Teachers and admin have expressed that these would be very helpful on hot and sunny days.

Years ago, the PTSO raised approximately $25,000 to build a dedicated outdoor classroom. Unfortunately, we discovered that what we hoped to build was in fact not feasible within that budget, so we moved that money back into the general fund. This year’s board believes that providing shade to students and teachers on our campus would be a good use of these funds.

The bid we have received is for $21,340, which includes purchase of the shades and installation by a qualified contractor. Because this expenditure is not in our budget for this school year, we are required to take a vote of the general body in order to approve it. To clarify, we have these funds in reserve, and nothing that is budgeted for this year will be affected by this purchase.

If you would like to vote yes on spending this money, no further action is required. If your vote is no, please email us at westendptso@gmail.com before 5:00 PM on Thursday, October 28 (you can simply reply to this newsletter) and let us know. If you have questions or need more information, you may contact us at westendptso@gmail.com.


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