Category: Newsletter
Spring Dance Details
Friday, April 8, is the date for the Spring Fling Dance, which will be held in the new/big gym; see times below. Grades 5/6: 4:15-5:30 PMGrades 7/8: 6:00-7:15 PM Tickets will be $5 at the door, with proceeds benefiting the student council. The concession stand will be open, so students need to be sure to…
Sports This Week: March 28-April 1
Boys SoccerMonday, March 28: at home vs. JT MooreWednesday, March 30: at Bellevue TrackWednesday, March 30: at Hillwood vs. HG Hill/Head
Congratulations, Ms. Jolly and Band Students!
Earlier this month, our 7th/8th grade band traveled to MLK to perform before a panel of judges at the Middle Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association (MTSBOA) Concert Performance Assessment. By receiving a perfect score–all Superior ratings in all categories from all judges, both stage and sight-reading–our musical Blue Jays were awarded the American School…
Book Fair Starts Tomorrow
The annual Scholastic Book Fair, a fundraiser for the library, runs from Monday through Friday, March 28-April 1. Students wishing to make a purchase at school should bring cash or have a parent set up an e-wallet account here. Purchases made at Scholastic Store Online this week will also benefit the library.
On the Waiting List for Hillsboro? Please Read!
MNPS has confirmed that there was an issue with this year’s optional schools selection process (“lottery”) that resulted in some West End families not receiving cluster preference to continue on to Hillsboro High School next year. If you are not zoned for West End and your 8th grader listed Hillsboro as their first choice on…
Spring Dance Volunteers Needed
On April 8, the student council is sponsoring a Spring Fling Dance, and parent volunteers are needed to make this event a big success! We will need chaperones, concession stand workers, and photo booth helpers. Note that there will be separate dances for grades 5 & 6 and grades 7 & 8. Sign up HERE…
Hillsboro Arts Showcase
The annual Arts Showcase at Hillsboro High School will be held on Friday, April 1, from 6 to 8 PM. This event will include: Live music and theater performances Visual arts displays Kids art-making stations Refreshments
Get Informed: Early Voting for School Board Races Starts April 13
Districts 2, 4, 6, and 8 have school board elections this year. For the first time, these elections will be partisan, which means there will be a primary election on May 3 before the general election in August. (Click here for early voting schedule and locations.) All neighborhoods that are zoned for West End are…
Upcoming PTSO Meetings
Our next (hopefully in-person) general membership meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 12, at 6 PM. There will be an executive board meeting this Wednesday, March 9, at 6 PM. We will be discussing plans for next year and the spring dance and getting updates from Mr. Stephens and the teachers. Come hang out with…