Tag: Fall 2021 Clubs

  • Dungeons & Dragons

    FULL–NOT ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERS Are you an adventurous student with a desire to raid the riches in a dragon’s lair, thwart the dark machinations of a mysterious lizard cult, or take up arms in a goblin revolution? Are you a parent who wants to nurture our children’s love of storytelling, imagination, and cooperation? Then the West End Dungeons & Dragons…

  • Anime Club

    Come hang out with other West End students who share an interest in anime. We’ll meet before school on Thursdays to talk about shows, movies, games, as well as any upcoming conventions. Meets Thursdays, 8-8:40 AM, in Mr. Hayes’s room Email anthony.hayes@mnps.org for more information.

  • Cross Country

    The West End cross country team competes in Nashville Youth Athletics meets on Sundays in September and October. The season culminates in the regional championship, where athletes can qualify to compete in the Tennessee state championship in Knoxville.  This year’s meets will be held at The Hermitage (and possibly at Percy Warner Park) on the…

  • F.L.A.G. Club

    Students in F.L.A.G. (“Fly, Lower, and Gather”) Club will learn proper flag handling techniques and etiquette and will be responsible for raising and lowering the flag each school day. Contact Dr. Gill (jonathan.gill@mnps.org) for more information.

  • Art

    Art club resumes for spring semester on January 12. Students who participated in the fall do not need to re-register. There is no cost to participate; all materials are provided. Art club meets on Wednesdays during the school day (during related arts) and is intended to be a fun and safe space for young artists…

  • Garden Club

    The first meeting of garden club for spring semester will be Thursday, March 4, after school. Space is limited and returning members have priority, but there should be room for a few new students to join us. Click here to register or email the sponsor, Will Sanford, at wsanford@gmail.com.

  • Vanderbilt InterAxon

    Vanderbilt InterAxon is an organization run by Vanderbilt undergraduate students, who teach fun, interactive lessons that expose MNPS middle school students to the study of the brain! This spring, InterAxon will meet from 4:00 to 5:30 on the following Tuesdays: 3/2, 3/30, 4/13, and 4/27. There is no cost to participate. Click here to sign up.

  • Drama Club

    Auditions for the drama club’s production of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow were held on Wednesday, August 25, and Wednesday, September 1. For more information, please contact Moe Loughran: moe@nashvillecreativehouse.com or 615-398-9015.

  • Robotics

    Each fall, the West End Robotics team participates in the 8-week-long BEST Robotics competition. During this fun (but intense!) competition, students become familiar with all aspects of product development–robot building, obviously, but also project management, technical writing/documentation, sales/marketing, and more. The competition culminates in a day-long series of head-to-head matches against other teams from across…