Volunteer Opportunities

Family, alumni, and community involvement is a West End tradition. It’s a big part of what makes West best!

If you are interested in volunteering, we will find a place for you. Please fill our volunteer interest survey to let us know about your interests and availability. Throughout the year we will also post specific volunteer needs on this page, on PTSO social media, and in the Blue Jay Bulletin, our weekly email newsletter.

If you have any questions about volunteering, email them to westendptso@gmail.com.

Current Volunteer Needs

PTSO Executive Board
There are currently three vacant positions on the PTSO executive board:

  • VP of Fundraising–helps plan/organize spring fundraiser, assists with INVEST campaign, identifies new sources of income
  • VP of Communications–helps maintain the PTSO website, posts to PTSO social media accounts, assists with newsletter
  • Assistant Treasurer–serves as an assistant to the treasurer and becomes familiar with the PTSO’s accounting practices in order to move into the treasurer position

Email westendptso@gmail.com for more information or to volunteer.

Football Concessions
Helpers will be needed in the concession stand during home football games this fall. Signups for individual games can be found here, or indicate your interest in concessions on the volunteer interest survey and we will contact you.